Welcome to our detailed walkthroughs where there are plenty of examples for designing experiments and creating specific studies, paradigms and tasks using Labvanced. This section aims to provide you with step-by-step instructions that will guide you through setting up various tasks and studies.
Whether you're a new to experimental design or have been in the field for years, our walkthroughs aim to provide plenty of examples of how to design an experiment so that you can gain the confidence and skills you need!
Each walkthrough explains how to design an experiment or utilize a feature so you can get a better understanding of how actions, events, objects and variables are used in Labvanced. From defining task parameters to configuring study settings, these walkthroughs are great examples of the full process of designing an experiment in Labvanced and utilizing its features along the way.
Go through the following experimental design examples, as well as the studies where specific features are highlighted so that you can improve your skills in Labvanced of implementing an experiment design without having to code! But, if at any point, you have questions or something is not clear, please reach out to us through our support chat or email!
Please note that while you can build these studies from scratch (for example, if you want to practice) you can also import these studies into your account and work directly with them!
- Stroop Task
- Lexical Decision Task
- Posner Gaze Cueing Task
- Change Blindness Flicker Paradigm
- Eye-tracking Sample Study
- Infant Eye-tracking Study
- Attentional Capture Study with Mouse Tracking
- Rapid Serial Visual Presentation
- ChatGPT Study
- Eye Tracking Demo: SVGs as AOIs
- Show Subjects' Cursors: Multi-User Demo
- Gamepad / Joystick Controller- Basic Set Up
- Desktop App Study with EEG Integration
So, dive into the specific experiment or task walkthrough that aligns with your research objectives, and let us guide you through the process of study creation. If you encounter any questions or need further assistance along the way, our support team is here to help. Happy experimenting!