Anna Banki & Dr. Gabriela Markova
University of Vienna
Comparing Online Webcam- and Laboratory-Based Eye-Tracking for the Assessment of Infant Audio-Visual Synchrony Perception

Dr. Alexander Edeling
Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven
Finding Goldilocks Influencers- How Follower Count Drives Social Media Engagement

Giulia Calignano
University of Padua
The semantic interference in 9- to 36-month old infants: An at-home eye-tracking study on infants' lexical abilities

Felix Haiduk
University of Vienna
Song Is More Memorable Than Speech Prosody - Discrete Pitches Aid Auditory Working Memory

Dr. Jonathan Mirault
Aix-Marseille University
Orthographic Relatedness and Transposed-word Effects in the Grammatical Decision Task

Dr. Katrin Starcke
SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts (SOPA)
Emotion Modulation through Music after Sadness Induction

Dr. Mireia Marimon
University of Potsdam
Children's Learning of Non-adjacent Dependencies Using a Web-Based Computer Game Setting

Dr. rer. nat. Malte Wöstmann
University of Lübeck
Personality Captures Dissociations of Subjective Versus Objective Hearing in Noise

Maximillian (Max) Soares Miehstein
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Are All Eyes the Same? Investigation of Spatial Attention Among Autistic Individuals Using the Gaze-cueing Paradigm

Solveig Jurkat, M.A.
University of Münster
The Effect of Verbal Priming of Visual Attention Styles in 4- to 9-year-old Children