The Public Experiment Library

The Library is a public resource that is free and open to all users. It contains studies from both the Labvanced team and other Labvanced users who wish to share their studies with the community.


Functions of the Library

When you click on a study in the Library, a window will appear with information:

library study

Within this window you can also:

  • Participate: try the study as a participant. Your anonymous data will be sent to the researcher.
  • Import: save a copy of the study to your own account. You can then make edits to your copy and use it to inform your own research.
    • NOTE: please provide credit to the original creator of the study when applicable. Remember, when importing a study from another user, the study is considered intellectual property of the original creator. Therefore, do NOT republish a study that you did not create.
    • Importing studies is a great way to learn new techniques and designs that can be applied to your own studies!
  • Inspect: Opens the Study Design tab and allows you to view the design and settings of the study without importing to your account.
  • Like: If you like the design and/or idea of the study, please give it a "like" to support open science and your fellow Labvanced researchers!
    • Note: You can only like each study 1 time.

At the bottom of the study window, you can see if a researcher has added any references. These are papers that their study is based on so that other users can do further research on their own.

Please see the information about the Description tab for best practices when sharing a study to the Library.

Features of the Library

Information in the Library is organized by study and includes the name of the author, keywords associated with the study, and more.

Study Information in the Library

  • Id: the unique numeric code associated with every study.
  • Author Name: the username of the person who created the study.
  • Study Name: the name of the study.
  • Affiliations: the university or company that the author is working from.
  • Keywords: words used to describe the study.
  • Category/Branch: the specific branch (or branches) of psychology that the study falls under.
  • Date of Publication: the date that the study was published.
  • Popularity/Likes: the number of "likes" that the study has been given.

The Library has a general searchbar and an Advanced Search window to help users find studies specific to their university, research areas, or demographic interests.

Users can find specific studies by filling out one or more of the fields in the Advanced Search window. Adding more specifics will narrow down the list of studies that are returned by the search.

  • Study Name
  • Keyword
  • Labvanced Username
  • Author Name
  • Affiliation
  • Study ID
  • Category/Branch
  • Publication Date From
  • Publication Date To
  • Eye Tracking
  • Multiuser Study
  • Longitudinal Study
  • Allowed Devices
  • Allowed Browsers
  • Required Sensors
  • Required First Language
  • Required Location
  • Age (Min)
  • Age (Max)
  • Required Gender
  • Import Allowed
advanced search window