Advanced Topics

The following videos discuss advanced features available in Labvanced.


In this video, we walk through creating an eyetracking study with special settings and features such as chat boxes, variable distribution, and feedback. Check out the study we used in this video in our Experiment Library, linked below!

The following videos are a part of a 4-part series on how to use eye tracking in your Labvanced studies, from setting up eye tracking settings, to calibration, all the way to what the data output looks like for such a study. Please keep in mind that since these videos were published, there have been some changes to the app interface, but the overall principles remain the same.

Part 1:

  • How to Setup an Eye tracking Study Using Labvanced
  • Global Settings and Options for an Eye Tracking Study in Labvanced

Part 2:

  • Setup an EyeTracking Study in the Task Editor
  • Different Options for Eye Tracking
  • What Type of Data you can collect with Eye Tracking

Part 3:

  • Eye Tracking Calibration
  • Eye Tracking from a Participant’s Point of View
  • Explanation of how an Eye Tracking Study Runs on Labvanced=

Part 4:

  • Data Output from an Eye Tracking Study Implemented in Labvanced
  • Explanation of Frame Units, Timestamps, and Confidence Intervals
  • See for Further Scripts and References

Longitudinal Studies

This video explains how to create longitudinal studies in the Study Design tab and we discuss the settings used to create longitudinal studies. This is an easy way to set advance dates for participants to return and complete more parts of your study, in essence setting up times for multiple sessions, as well as special settings to keep in mind.

Multiuser Studies

In this video, we walk through an example of a multiuser study in Labvanced. Some key features of studies that involve more than one participant include chat boxes, shared variables, role-specific events and feedback frames. We take a look at these within the context of the Image Description Task.

Looking for a topic that is not listed here? Send us an email or message us via chat with your video idea!